Every year I make my grandmother’s Taralli – a cookie from southern Italy – for my family. My father and I used to do it and since he passed, I have carried on the tradition. I send them to my siblings and share them with my work colleagues. I’ve been asked for the recipe many times and decided to share it here.
There are many variations of taralli; some being savory and others sweet. Taralli di LaMuraglia are sweet and best served with coffee or wine.
Tarralli di LaMuraglia
- 5 lbs of All-Purpose Flour (unbleached)
- 2 Teaspoons of Baking powder
- 16 Large Eggs
- 1 lb. of Butter
- 2 lbs. of Sugar
- 1 oz Anise oil (if you can’t find Anise Oil, use Anise Extract. One bottle)
- 1-2 Teaspoons of Salt depending on taste
- Soften butter and mix in sugar in a large mixing bowl or mixer
- Then add 2 eggs at a time until mixed thoroughly
- Add anise oil to egg/sugar mixture
- Add the baking powder and salt to the flour and sift into a “volcano” onto a large board or counter top.
- Slowly pour egg mixture into the volcano and mix in using the flour from the edges of the volcano
- Fold together using all the flour on the board
- Once dough is ready, mold into a large ball and bless it. Dad used to do this by making an indentation of a cross with his hand and then saying a small prayer to Nanni. I make the cross and ask Nanni and Dad to bless the dough and make the Taralli a success.
- Roll into 6 inch lengths approximately 1/2 inch in diameter. Taper ends and form doughnut shapes.
Bake for 30 minutes at 375 degrees or until golden.