It is October 17th and it has been five months since my last confession…I mean blog post.  It has been on my to-do list since May and I’m shocked how quickly the time has flown. It took a reminder from my sister-in-law this past Sunday to guilt me to find time to do this.
Part of the reason for the delay is that I don’t have great news to share. I haven’t been on the scale since May but I am pretty sure I weigh MORE now than I did then.  I have been hitting the gym, spent months in physical therapy for my shoulder and the results are I FEEL better and I look bigger (in a good way) but I am nowhere near my goal of losing 40 lbs and I have exactly two months until my 50th.
I’m not going to offer excuses but rather own the fact that I haven’t made enough time for cardio and my diet has been mediocre. I will hint at the longer-than-expected recovery from my shoulder surgery for not making muscle gains in the gym but at the end of the day, it is all on me. I WILL celebrate that I can do 20 pushups without pain, bench press 50 lb dumbells without pain and execute all sorts of weird core exercises that my trainer comes up with (ex: deadbugs, planks, body saws)
So, for the next two months, I’m going to focus on getting stronger, watch my diet without killing myself and get as much cardio in as possible. I seriously doubt I’ll make my goal of 200 lbs but hey, I’ll be further along than I was a year ago.
I hate dead bugs. It’s an evil plot by trainers to make us look goofy